A great time was had by all at this year's fishing derby. As always, a special thanks to Ray Thornton for the work he puts in to this event. Thanks to everyone who participated and volunteered.
A great time was had by all at this year's fishing derby. As always, a special thanks to Ray Thornton for the work he puts in to this event. Thank you also to Mike Ellis who helps with set up and wherever else help is needed. Prizes were purchased with a generous donation from Walmart. The grand prize, a 50.00 gift card to Papa Dios (https://www.papadiosokc.com), was donated by our very own neighbor, Candace Gideo, who is the owner of this wonderful Italian restaurant. The grand prize was awarded to the person who brought the most people to the fishing derby, Thank you to all who made this a special event this year.
Year round, something fun is happening in our little community.BLOG CATEGORIES